There are so many different ways to train and it can be hard to figure out which is best. While each method has its perks, it comes down to the goals we set. If we want to get strong, we have to lift heavy. If we want to get big, we have to lift heavy and do a lot of...
The worst thing you can do for your knees and for your life is not have the ability to squat. Think about how much you squat throughout your day. You get in and out of a chair, you get off the bed, on and off the toilet. All of these things require squatting. As we...
There are three main focuses when we’re talking about a proper warm up. We are trying to prime the muscles, prime the central nervous system, and increase blood flow. So when you’re looking at your warm up, it needs to prepare the muscles that you’re...
One of the things that I see that happens the most is that when people get excited to get into the gym they are always maxing out. They start lifting weights and seeing those numbers creep up and then they want to keep doing it over and over again. Generally, what...
There is a lot of people that shy away from lifting weights, especially women, because they think it will make them look like a bodybuilder. And I’m here to tell you that lifting weights does not do that. If you believe that lifting will turn you into a muscle...